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How To Choose The Suitable Plasma Cutting Machine?
Category: Knowledge
Date: 2021-03-02
Click: 1716
Author: HANZO
Source: Knowledge
Are you looking for plasma cutting machine? Hanzo welding factory will tell you, let's go!

Wow, it's new month-March, welcome to our Knowledge time!

You know, no matter which brand, you need to choose the suitable plasma cutting machine. 

So how to choose the suitable one for yourself? Today, let's share some points.

1. Determine the thickness of the metal you most often cut:

The first factor that needs to be determined is the thickness of the metal that is usually cut. Most of the plasma cutting machine power is through the cutting capacity and current size quota. Therefore, if you usually cut thin metal, you should consider low current plasma cutting machine. In addition, although small machines cut metal of a certain thickness, the quality of cutting may not be guaranteed. On the contrary, you may get almost no cut through result and leave useless metal residue. Every machine will have a set range of optimum cutting thickness - make sure the setting is right for you. In general, plasma cutting machine selection must be based on the limit cutting thickness multiplied by 60-80%, which is the normal cutting thickness of this equipment (can ensure the cutting effect, the best cost performance). Of course, the thinner, the faster the cutting effect and speed, the thicker, the lower the cutting effect and speed, and the lower the economy.



2. Select the load duration of the device:

If you are cutting for a long time or automatically set cutting, make sure to check the machine's workload duration. Simply speaking, load duration is the continuous working time of the equipment before it needs to be cooled down due to overheating. The workload duration rate is usually determined as a percentage of 10 minutes. for instance. 60% duty cycle at 100 amperes means that you can cut for 6 minutes at 100 amperes (100% for 10 minutes). The higher the workload cycle, the longer you can keep cutting.


3. Can this machine provide the option of starting at high frequency?

Most plasma cutting machine will have a guide arc, using high frequency to guide current through the air. However, high frequencies can interfere with nearby electronic devices, including computers. Therefore, the start-up mode that can eliminate these high-frequency potential problems may be quite advantageous. The designer will make a number of countermeasures against the high-frequency interference to ensure the stable and reliable operation of the machine.



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4. Loss and life comparison:

Plasma cutting torch has a variety of external parts need to be replaced, usually we call it consumables. The machine you need to look for should use the least consumables. Less consumables means cost savings. Two of them need to be replaced: electrodes and nozzles.



Okay, this knowledge time is over, hope you enjoy our sharing. See you next time!

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